Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Critical Me

Am I the only person who has an anxiety attack when she gets what she wants?

Nine years ago I figured out Hank loves me after he bought me a car stereo while we were newly dating. I immediately went into his parent's bathroom and threw up, as if my subconscious was thinking, "You're going to be a horrible girlfriend."

Nearly five years ago, when I gave birth to my precious Stella, I freaked out in the operating room during my C-section, gasping for breath, moaning, sobbing. I couldn't even look at her through my sob-sore eyes when Hank brought her over to me for the first time. I was consciously thinking, "You're going to be a horrible mother you can’t even deliver vaginally!"

And now I sit here freaking out because my two dearest ones, Hank and Stella, are not home with me. But it’s not abandonment I fear. Once again I fear getting what I want. This time it’s not closeness but solitude I want. Just a little. Just a couple distractions-less hours for me to create this mental wellness blog.


Since I got the idea for this blog a couple weeks ago, my excuse for not having written anything was that I didn't have enough alone-time. I rationalized that spending time with my two dearest ones was more important than writing.

The ice storm outside is keeping them from me now. Stella is spending the night with Grandma and Grandpa Logan so I can avoid wrecking on the way to pick her up tonight, and so Hank doesn't have to take her back there tomorrow morning when the freezy crap could be even worse. She's comfy. She's got nickjr.com. She adores her grandparents. It's just safer to let her stay the night. Hank won't get home from work until late. I might as well not start worrying about his drive home until he gets off work. Four hours to kill? I have time to write? Panic!

I've finally gotten what I've been saying I want: time to write. Write through the panic, Syd. Anxiety is just your body’s way of alerting you it’s time to take action.

I need to quit listening to the side of myself that criticizes, "You're going to be a horrible writer and mental health advocate." Fuck you, Critical Me! Oh wait, that's being critical of the side of myself that's critical of myself. Huh. That's a new one.

But look, that does feel better, just sharing.


Unknown said...

Where's the like button? I need to get on my sh*t too. Way to go! I'm proud of you!

DaddyMan said...

Driving in said weather sucks. I always make sure I'm 100% comfortable in the car before I even move it out of the parking space.

And making sure all my co-workers cars are cleaned off too. :)

glenda rigdon said...

I drove home last night and prayed all the way...it was the worst I have drove in so scared...got in the garage and just shook...I was mad at my self because I stayed and worked so long at the sale....nothing worth it but why do I always drive my self.....thanks for writing your blog..........